Resolved TFS Server is not working

Visual Studio TFS Server Not working 

Have you ever wondered how to resolve TFS Server not working correctly, please read till end to solve.

As a developer, when you work on daily basis, there might be a chance you would have worked with Fiddler Tool to capture .Net request/response from server that was required to add default proxy to machine.config file 

Remove the tag from machine.config file and try connecting TFS Server. 

Cheers !

In General Fiddler is the free version tool available online, and one of the tools is 
Fiddler – Free Web Debugging Proxy – Telerik

1. Download Fiddler
2. To trace incoming from .Net project required to add .net settings in machine config file
3. Now the question is how to do ?
4. Open notepad as Run as Administrator 
5. Notepad File menu click on open and paste this code %WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG
6.  Choose the file type as all files 
7. Look for machine.config file
8. Open it
9. Add the following lines after   tag and save 

Add the following XML block as a peer to the existing element, replacing any existing default Proxy

element if present:

                enabled = “true”
                useDefaultCredentials = “true”>
<proxy autoDetect="false" bypassonlocal="false" proxyaddress="” usesystemdefault=”false” />

10. Now Start the Fiddler
11. Fiddler will capture all the requests from .Net 

Published by arjunpremier

Software Engineer, Blogger,

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