There are still remote logins or linked logins for the server ‘linkedservername’

There are still remote logins or linked logins for the server ‘Linked server name’ Steps by Step   Open SQL Server Management Studio, Run (press F5) this query  SELECT * FROM sys.servers  Query returns all the linked servers created  Run ( press F5)  exec sp_dropserver ‘XXXX’    Replace XXXX with your linked server name  which is  the second column value of your step 1Continue reading “There are still remote logins or linked logins for the server ‘linkedservername’”

Where to find SQL Server Configuration Manager?

SQL Server Configuration Manager Navigate to c:\windows\system32 and look for a file with the name SQLServerManagernn.msc, where nn is the version of SQL Server you have installed. For SQLServer 2014, the name is SQLServerManager12.msc. You can double-click on it and you’ll see a result. You can also make a shortcut on the desktop if you like. Easy wayContinue reading “Where to find SQL Server Configuration Manager?”

How to delete SQL Server Instance ?

How to delete SQL Server Instance ? To uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2008 R2 To begin the uninstall process, from the Start menu, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add or Remove Programs. Select the SQL Server component to uninstall, and then click Change/Remove. This starts the SQL Server Installation Wizard. Setup Support Rules runs to verify your computer configuration. ToContinue reading “How to delete SQL Server Instance ?”

Where to find SQL Server Management Studio Icons?

SQL Server Management Studio Shortcut Icons SQL Server 2014  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe SQL Server 2012 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe  SQL Server 2008 R2   C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe  older SQL Server 2005  C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\SqlWb.exe

What does a great person do ?

GeniusThey are mentally strong and have a relaxed mind.They have control over their thoughts and behavior.They are emotionally strong and don’t easily get excited or frustrated.They listen more than they speak.They have self-awareness and live in the moment.They avoid useless arguments.They know that not everyone will agree with them and they are open to other’sContinue reading “What does a great person do ?”

The Art of Conversation

The art of conversation1. Do not dominate a conversation or make it all about you. A monologue is not conversation.2. Show interest and curiosity in others.3. Strive for a balance of give and take.4. Be an active listener by maintaining good eye contact and asking pertinent questions.5. Train yourself to relax by using visualization, meditation,Continue reading “The Art of Conversation”

Get what you want – Wikihow Search

Spoon Feeding  ( Need not to re-invent the wheel )Have you ever wondered, however I google never got what I wanted. And most of the times google gives you more information still you seems to be not clear where it heading to which you have no idea what to do to get what you wantContinue reading “Get what you want – Wikihow Search”

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