How to find second highest value in table ?

 How to find second highest value in table ?  SQL Server  Find the highest employee salary    SELECT EmpId, SalaryFROM(Select EmpId, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Salary Desc) AS Salary_OrderFROM   Employee) resultsWHERE results. Salary_Order = 1 ; Find the 2nd highest employee salary    SELECT EmpId, SalaryFROM(Select EmpId, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Salary Desc) AS Salary_OrderFROM Continue reading “How to find second highest value in table ?”

SOLVED Could not load file or assembly ‘Renci.SshNet – MySQL

Solved Could not load file or assembly ‘Renci.SshNet, Version=2016.1.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1cee9f8bde3db106’ or one of its dependencies ? The Solution is right below  Working with MySQL database, have you realized all the while the MySql connection is lost for no reason?  Now you go to visual studio project libraries you will find MySQL client dll stillContinue reading “SOLVED Could not load file or assembly ‘Renci.SshNet – MySQL”

How to change the height of header in DataGridView ?

How to change the height of header in DataGridView ? All developers might have gone through changing the data grid view header size to increase.  You add data grid view control to windows form and press F7 and go to designer view or else go to your code behind  file and add the below codeContinue reading “How to change the height of header in DataGridView ?”

Publishing an existing project to GitHub

Publishing an existing project to GitHub Open a solution in Visual Studio. If solution is not already initialized as a Git repository, select Add to Source Control from the File menu.  Open Team Explorer.  In Team Explorer, click Sync.  Click the Publish to GitHub button.  Enter a name and description for the repository on GitHub. Check the Private Repository box if you want to uploadContinue reading “Publishing an existing project to GitHub”

.NET Core 3.0 will launch at .NET Conf 2019 Sep 23- 25

  .NET Conf 2019 is only a few days away! We will be live streaming September 23-25 on This year .NET Core 3.0 will launch at .NET Conf 2019! We’ve been hard at work organizing more than 75 sessions, including an amazing keynote, that will kick off the show at 9:00 AM pacific (16:00 UTC). Check outContinue reading “.NET Core 3.0 will launch at .NET Conf 2019 Sep 23- 25”

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

How to fix Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding Finding Root Cause: When using MySQL  database and  .NET /Connector with a thousands of rows to do an INSERT IGNORE command results in timeout expired exception. Usually we tend to suspect on the connectionContinue reading “Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.”

What’s new in Visual Studio 2019

What’s new in Visual Studio 2019  Download Visual Studio 2019 With Visual Studio 2019, you’ll get best-in-class tools and services for any developer, any app, and any platform. Whether you’re using Visual Studio for the first time or you’ve been using it for years, there’s a lot to like in this new version! Here’s aContinue reading “What’s new in Visual Studio 2019”

Welcome to the Visual Studio IDE

Welcome to the Visual Studio IDE The Visual Studio integrated development environment is a creative launching pad that you can use to edit, debug, and build code, and then publish an app. An integrated development environment (IDE) is a feature-rich program that can be used for many aspects of software development. Over and above the standard editorContinue reading “Welcome to the Visual Studio IDE”

Create a tip calculator app – Xamarin iOS

Create a tip calculator app – Xamarin iOS In this exercise, you walk through the creation of a new Xamarin.iOS application with Visual Studio 2019. You can also use Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio for Mac, but keep in mind that some steps might be slightly different. The primary goal of this exercise isContinue reading “Create a tip calculator app – Xamarin iOS”

Create a Xamarin.iOS app

Create a Xamarin.iOS app Now that you have an overview of Xamarin.iOS, you’re ready to learn how to use it to create a new iOS app. This information should help you decide whether Xamarin.iOS is a good fit for your development team. Even though this module focuses on creating an iOS application, remember that Xamarin.iOSContinue reading “Create a Xamarin.iOS app”

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