What is Xamarin.iOS?

Introduction to Xamarin.iOS Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin is an open-source app development platform. It lets you build apps for many operating systems from a single, shared .NET code base. Xamarin allows you to write apps that can take full advantage of the power, features, and performance of each platform. Xamarin.iOS is one of theContinue reading “What is Xamarin.iOS?”

Build and preview a basic web app

Build and preview a basic web app In the last unit, we created a simple, auto-generated HTML file named index.html. Let’s pick up where we left off and make a web app we can run on a local server. First test: Hello World For a first test to see the minimal code we can run,Continue reading “Build and preview a basic web app”

Create and auto-generate files in VS Code

Create and auto-generate files in VS Code As with most of the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) functionality, there are many ways to create and manage files. In this unit, we’ll create and edit a file. We suggest creating a folder called intro-to-vscode on your local computer and work from there. Although you can think of thisContinue reading “Create and auto-generate files in VS Code”

Install and tour Visual Studio Code

Install and tour Visual Studio Code To begin, let’s download and install VS Code locally, then take a short tour of the user interface (UI) and features. We recommend you perform these steps on your own installation, but you can read through the Tour section without following along if you prefer. Download Browse to https://code.visualstudio.com and select the stableContinue reading “Install and tour Visual Studio Code”

What is Visual Studio Code ?

What is Visual Studio Code ? Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an open source, lightweight, and full-featured text editor that supports a multitude of extensions for all kinds of developers. If you are getting started in the larger world of web development, VS Code can be a valuable tool. Features such as build scripts,Continue reading “What is Visual Studio Code ?”

Types of cloud services

Types of cloud services When talking about cloud computing, there are three major categories. It’s important to understand them because they are used in conversation, documentation, and training. Explore the three categories of cloud computing IaaS versus SaaS versus PaaS Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Infrastructure as a Service is the most flexible category ofContinue reading “Types of cloud services”

Benefits of cloud computing

Benefits of cloud computing Cloud computing isn’t an all-or-nothing service approach. Companies can choose to use the cloud to store their data and execute logic as much, or as little as necessary to fulfill their business requirements. Existing businesses might choose a gradual movement to save money on infrastructure and administration costs (referred to asContinue reading “Benefits of cloud computing”

Cloud Concepts – Principles of cloud computing

Cloud Concepts – Principles of Cloud Computing   When you turn on a light, you simply want the light to work. You know you need electricity for that to happen, but in that moment, the details of how the electricity gets to the light bulb aren’t important. You might not think about electricity being created inContinue reading “Cloud Concepts – Principles of cloud computing”

What is Leadership?

What is Leadership? Leadership is the ability to impact and influence others.Many years ago, I had the opportunity to shadow the CEO of a major technology company for one day. That one day changed my life forever. Walking through the hallways of his company, hearing him interact on phone calls and watching him tackle projects and challengesContinue reading “What is Leadership?”

What is .NET ?

What is .NET ?  .NET is an open source developer platform, created by Microsoft, for building many different types of applications.  .NET .NET is a free, cross-platform, open source developer platform for building many different types of applications. With .NET, you can use multiple languages, editors, and libraries to build for web, mobile, desktop, gaming,Continue reading “What is .NET ?”

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