The Singapore students using Cloud for smarter recycling

The Singapore students using Cloud for smarter recycling Coming up with big ideas in technology used to take the kind of time and money that only large companies had.  Now open source tools—like TensorFlow, which provides access to Google’s machine learning technology—mean anyone with a smart concept has the opportunity to make it a reality. JustContinue reading “The Singapore students using Cloud for smarter recycling”

Types of cloud services

Types of cloud services When talking about cloud computing, there are three major categories. It’s important to understand them because they are used in conversation, documentation, and training. Explore the three categories of cloud computing IaaS versus SaaS versus PaaS Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Infrastructure as a Service is the most flexible category ofContinue reading “Types of cloud services”

Benefits of cloud computing

Benefits of cloud computing Cloud computing isn’t an all-or-nothing service approach. Companies can choose to use the cloud to store their data and execute logic as much, or as little as necessary to fulfill their business requirements. Existing businesses might choose a gradual movement to save money on infrastructure and administration costs (referred to asContinue reading “Benefits of cloud computing”

Cloud Concepts – Principles of cloud computing

Cloud Concepts – Principles of Cloud Computing   When you turn on a light, you simply want the light to work. You know you need electricity for that to happen, but in that moment, the details of how the electricity gets to the light bulb aren’t important. You might not think about electricity being created inContinue reading “Cloud Concepts – Principles of cloud computing”

10 cool things at Microsoft Build 2019

Microsoft Build is underway in Seattle, and this year’s premier developer conference is focused on empowering developers of all kinds, from experienced computer scientists to tech beginners with big ideas. We’re sharing the latest on Microsoft platforms, tools and services that are making it easier to create and innovate using AI and mixed reality withContinue reading “10 cool things at Microsoft Build 2019”

What is latest news from Microsoft?

Microsoft Announcement  Microsoft is moving  “Microsoft Virtual Academy to  Microsoft Learning Center“ Microsoft has decided on the knowledge base “Microsoft Virtual Academy” could have better way of acquiring knowledge and has come up with new proposal of learning idea. And thus going forward Microsoft Virtual Academy will be retired by 10th June 2019.    ToContinue reading “What is latest news from Microsoft?”

How to use the Power BI service ?

Microsoft Power BI is to create a report in Power BI Desktop, publish it to the Power BI service, and then share it with others, so that they can view it in the service or on a mobile app. But because some people begin in the Power BI service, let’s take a quick look atContinue reading “How to use the Power BI service ?”

Building blocks of Power BI

Everything you do in Microsoft Power BI can be broken down into a few basic building blocks. After you understand these building blocks, you can expand on each of them and begin creating elaborate and complex reports. After all, even seemingly complex things are built from basic building blocks. For example, buildings are created with wood,Continue reading “Building blocks of Power BI”

How Power BI matches your role ?

How you use Power BI might depend on your role on a project or a team. And other people, in other roles, might use Power BI differently, which is just fine. For example, you might view reports and dashboards in the Power BI service, and that might be all you do with Power BI. But yourContinue reading “How Power BI matches your role ?”

What is Microsoft Power BI ?

Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Whether your data is a simple Microsoft Excel workbook, or a collection of cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data warehouses, Power BI lets you easily connect to yourContinue reading “What is Microsoft Power BI ?”

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