Create a tip calculator app – Xamarin iOS

Create a tip calculator app – Xamarin iOS In this exercise, you walk through the creation of a new Xamarin.iOS application with Visual Studio 2019. You can also use Visual Studio 2017 or Visual Studio for Mac, but keep in mind that some steps might be slightly different. The primary goal of this exercise isContinue reading “Create a tip calculator app – Xamarin iOS”

Create a Xamarin.iOS app

Create a Xamarin.iOS app Now that you have an overview of Xamarin.iOS, you’re ready to learn how to use it to create a new iOS app. This information should help you decide whether Xamarin.iOS is a good fit for your development team. Even though this module focuses on creating an iOS application, remember that Xamarin.iOSContinue reading “Create a Xamarin.iOS app”

What is Xamarin.iOS?

Introduction to Xamarin.iOS Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin is an open-source app development platform. It lets you build apps for many operating systems from a single, shared .NET code base. Xamarin allows you to write apps that can take full advantage of the power, features, and performance of each platform. Xamarin.iOS is one of theContinue reading “What is Xamarin.iOS?”

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