How to be more confident in conversation ?

How to be more confident in conversation ? Speaking with authority isn’t easy for everyone, but these tips can help build confidence. Each week, I interview founders, CEOs, and investors who run multimillion-dollar companies. Every one of them is incredibly professionally successful, with decades of experience running million-dollar companies and venture-backed startups. Yes, it canContinue reading “How to be more confident in conversation ?”

7 ways to boost productivity in the workplace

7 ways to boost productivity in the workplace Is your team too busy to get any work done?It may sound like a silly question but consider how many days you’ve started the morning with a set to-do list, then got waylaid by meetings and emails. Sound familiar?Over a third of 3,500 employees we polled admitted toContinue reading “7 ways to boost productivity in the workplace”

Effective Decision-Making

In its simplest sense, decision-making is the act of choosing between two or more courses of action. In the wider process of problem-solving, decision-making involves choosing between possible solutions to a problem. Decisions can be made through either an intuitive or reasoned process, or a combination of the two. Intuition Intuition is using your ‘gut feeling’ about possible courses of action.Continue reading “Effective Decision-Making”

What is the effective way of Communicating ?

 What is the effective way of Communicating?  How well know yourself? Have you ever asked yourself this question. You must be fully comfortable within yourself before you can be effective in communicating with others.  True discussion requires the ability to be fully present and fully interested in the perspective of others. It is a discussion betweenContinue reading “What is the effective way of Communicating ?”

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