How to view deleted files in TFS Visual Studio?

Visual Studio TFS View Deleted Files Have you ever wanted to view the deleted files or source code branch missing in visual studio1.  Open Visual Studio 2.  Go to Tools > Options  > Source Control3.  Tick the Show deleted items in Source Control Explorer4.  Click OK5.  Now look for the deleted files. 

Resolved TFS Server is not working

Visual Studio TFS Server Not working  Have you ever wondered how to resolve TFS Server not working correctly, please read till end to solve.As a developer, when you work on daily basis, there might be a chance you would have worked with Fiddler Tool to capture .Net request/response from server that was required to addContinue reading “Resolved TFS Server is not working”

Visual Studio 2015 Invalid Pointer

Visual Studio 2015 Invalid Pointer ERROR !!!!! Error while running Visual Studio 2015 project, Click on below image to view error  Route Cause  Some dll files are not loaded in to assembly correctly. Ex: CreateInstance failed for package [Microsoft.VisualStudio.TraceLogPackage.TraceLogPackage] Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.Diagnostics.HubExtensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a Resolution 2 If you are not sureContinue reading “Visual Studio 2015 Invalid Pointer”

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